Kvartalno izvješće EACA-e o zalaganjima za europsku legislativu marketinške industrije

U proteklom kvartalu EACA se zalagala za neke od najrelevantnijih europskih zakonodavnih tema u našoj industriji.

Capture eacaU proteklom kvartalu EACA se zalagala za neke od najrelevantnijih europskih zakonodavnih tema u našoj industriji. Sažetak tih aktivnosti i lobija nalazi se u kvartalnom izvješću EACA-e koji možete pogledati ovdje: EACA Quarterly Lobbying Report JUNE 2013.

Među najbitnijim temama nalaze se:

  1. A new European Council Presidency
  2. EACA’s Ad Venture Competition on Binge Drinking as a commitment to European Commission’s Alcohol Forum
  3. Audiovisual Media Services  – we achieved recognition of self-regulation in European Parliament Report
  4. Connected TV – EACA preparing our industry’s position on converged media in view of Commission’s consultation
  5. Copyright Legislation – new developments in the Licenses for Europe initiative
  6. Data Protection – progress made in legislation
  7. Generic Packaging – some committees in the European Parliament, as well as the Council, reject plain packaging
  8. HFSS Food Advertising – World Health Organisation Europe urges policy-makers to tighten restrictions on the marketing of food and beverages high in fat
  9. Misleading Commercial Practices – European Commission and Parliament preparing possible future legislation
  10. Online Behavioural Advertising – industry campaign launched in the UK
  11. Online Gambling – Commission preparing Online Gambling Advertising Recommendations
  12. Online Profiling – European Parliament calls for rules to combat unfair commercial practices online, in particular the potential abuse of market power in relation to behavioural advertising