EACA School -New Workshops and Special Price Offers

The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) is a Brussels based organisation whose role is to represent full-service commercial communications and media agencies and agency associations in Europe.The vision for the EACA International School is to become the premier pan-European training and education partner for the communications industry.

Firstly, we are actively encouraging all NACs to run our DigitalWorkshop – “Growing your Business with Digital“run by Stephen Greensted; this has proved to be a valuable andinspiring workshop for agency managers as they try to incorporatedigital into the heart of their business. I would urge you toconsider running this workshop for your members as it is such a keyarea right now for all agencies. (I attach a flyer to explain andhelp you market this workshop).

Secondly, we have added a very good one day “Winning inProcurement” workshop run by Rosie Doggett. This isspecifically for agency managers, CFOs and senior account handlersand is designed to give them a real understanding of the world ofclient procurement and some practical & useable tips fornegotiating better deals / contracts with their clients. This is acore issue for all agencies and the chance to develop skills thatgive agency managers real advantage is a rare opportunity in theadvertising and communications industry. (I attach a flyer toexplain and help you market this workshop).

(To keep costs as low as we can we are offeringboth these courses as one day courses at a priceof 360 euros per person. For a minimum of 15 participants;excluding the trainer’s travel & accommodation and venue costs.If you would prefer we would be happy to run either of thesecourses with less than 15 participants but we will still need tocharge 5,400 euros for the course).

Thirdly, we have created a new workshop for CEOs and senior agencymanagers: “New Business and Pitching with Success“this is a workshop which I run myself This workshop focusseson practical and useable skills to help agencies win more newbusiness, which is especially critical as clients begin to spendagain as they try to grow their brand share in the economicrecovery. My previous new business workshops have proved to beextremely popular and successful and they have received outstandingfeedback from over 160 CEOs who have attended them across Europe.If you are interested in running this workshop I would urge you tobook a date as soon as possible and I would be delighted to runthis workshop for you. Because this workshop is also a chance forus to introduce the EACA School to your members we aredelighted to offer this at a special 1,000 euros price for a halfday workshop and 2,000 euros for a full day workshop, plus mytravel and accommodation. (I attach a flyer to explain and help youmarket this workshop).

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