EACA Newsletter / January – February 2010
Ovdje možete pročitati EACA-in newsletter za studeni i prosinac 2009.Istanbul is the European Capital of Culture 2010 and to celebrate, the Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies is organising a special interactive advertising competition, Call4Istanbul, which will be held with the support of Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency | www.call4istanbul.com | Read more
European soft drinks industry sets out digital marketingguidelines: Seven corporations including Coca-Cola, theGerber Emig Group, GlaxoSmithKline, Orangina Group and PepsiCo haveendorsed new European guidelines on digital marketing thatexplicitly extend their commitment not to target young children tothe digital sphere. Read more
US: a little “i” to teach about Online Privacy:At the end of January, the US advertising industry agreed on astandard icon – a little “i” that will be added to most online adsthat use demographics and behavioral data to tell consumers what ishappening. Read more
Internal Market EU Commissioner promises regulation foronline gambling: In a debate at the European Parliament on11 of February, many MEPs said they were concerned about theeffects of gambling on minors, addiction and money laundering. Theyurged the European Commission to set up a proposition for commonrules to regulate cross border online gambling in Europe.Read more
Special Offers for Members
Portugal, 10-13 March 2010 – Advertising Industry toGather for 3rd I-COM Global Summit On Online MediaMeasurement: The summit will be held in Lisbon, Portugalfrom 10-13 March 2010 and will help a “True Picture” for digitaladvertisers to emerge. Read more
London, Olympia, 15 March 2010 – Enterprise Social MediaEurope: Enterprise Social Media provides the idealplatform for employees to communicate, share information, anddiscuss the real issues affecting their businesses. The EnterpriseSocial Media Conference looks at the next generation workspace, hownew application stores can be harnessed within a web 2.0environment, and how internal business communities can be built.Read more
London, Olympia, 16 March 2010 – Cloud ComputingCongress Europe: The Cloud Computing Congress examines thelatest state of cloud computing, the technical challenges, and howthe applications can be controlled and managed in a cloud-basedenvironment. Read more
WFA – Istanbul, 30 March – 2 April 2010 – GlobalAdvertiser Week: Global Advertiser Week runs from 30 Marchto 2 April in Istanbul, Turkey. The week will be co-hosted by WorldFederation of Advertisers (WFA) and the Turkish Advertisers’Association (RVD). Read more
UK | Journal of Sponsorship -Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2 Out Now: Peer-reviewed,authoritative briefings on emerging trends, new thinking and bestpractice for sponsorship and marketing professionals worldwide. Read more
* Advertising Industry to Gather for 3rd I-COM GlobalSummit On Online Media Measurement: 10th – 13th March2010
* WARC Measuring Advertising Performance 2010:10th March 2010, Sofitel London, St. James
* Screen Digest PEVE Digital Entertainment: 11-12March 2010, The BFI Southbank
* Enterprise Social Media Europe: 15th – 16thMarch 2010, Olympia
*Cloud Computing Congress Europe: 16th March2010, Olympia
* Measuring Advertising Performance 2010 (Warc):20 March, 2010, Sofitel London St. James
* Research 2010: The Annual Conference (MRS): 23- 24 March, 2010, Park Plaza Riverbank, London
* NEW MEDIA CONFERENCE: 24th-25th March 25th2010, Marivaux Congress & Seminar Centre
* ADPrint Festival: 25th – 28th March 2010
* Global Advertiser Week: 30 March – 2 April2010, Swissôtel The Bosphorus